Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Reverse Grinding

Both my bankrolls have taken a bit of a hit since last week.  Some bad play involved but mostly after reviewing my hand histories it seems as though I'm getting coolered a lot late in tournies.  Running AKs into AA and AQs always seems to find AA,KK,AK.

I've just binked 70th spot on the Pocket Fives Ireland leaderboard so I'm 2 weeks ahead of schedule on that 1.  As I said before the leaderboards are largely meaningless but I like to have something to aim for so my new target is to get into the top 5000 overall before the end of August.  I am currently 5668 and we'll see where that leaves me then in the Irish list.

I set up a new account on 3kings poker (entraction network).This was really just to give Chris Dowling a boost with his new sponsorship deal. I wish him all the best with this. I managed to ship a small plo tournie since joining.  I dont intend to play much on there as the software is simply crap.  It's a shame they wouldn't update it a bit because the games are really soft. I have an Irish eyes account on the same network as well but only use that for the Celtic Poker Tour Satellites which reminds me I have a ticket for the next one in Ballina.

I've also deposited 100 on Party but as yet haven't played there.  I am still considering leaving stars but the fact that I'm going to achieve Platinum star soon is keeping me interested.  Maybe if I could run a little deeper in a tournament and start to show a profit there I might feel a little better about the site.

I've had a second poker lesson and am planning a 3rd for later this week.  They're going well.  I do see improvement in certain aspects of my game and am working at chip accumulation spots.

Am still putting in some decent volume (for me) but feel like I am reverse grinding at the moment.  I feel like I'm on the wrong end of variance atm.  Hopefully this is the case and that I'm not just a complete numpty.

A big shout out to Fintan Gavin who shipped the UKIPT in Edinburgh.  I've only spoken with Fintan a couple of times but he seems like a sound guy.  Always nice to see the Irish goin well.


Alan Mc Intyre has some bets going in a thread on Irish Poker Boards that he will stay off the ciggies for 1 year.  He's offering odds of 2:1.  I decided I wouldn't take that action but would try a 500 euro last longer bet and try and quit the smokes myself.  They're pure feckin murder on the health and the wallet. I've had a few smokes with Alan at live events and he's a top notch guy.  Hopefully by the end of a year I will neither be collecting nor paying off on this bet.  I've told Alan in the forum that my starting date is next Monday but I think I'll bring it forward a bit.

God there's so many live events happening now.  I'm still sticking with my no live poker rule for now.  I might break out in September for the IPO or else November for JP's game.  JP always runs a great show.

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